I’ve been using The Modern Milkman for a while now. We get 24 – 30 organic eggs each week, plus sourdough bread. I love that there is no rationing on eggs, unlike Aldi. How ridiculous! However, I’ve noticed them increasing their minimum spend or you pay a delivery charge. Firstly, if you spent over £6 per week, delivery was free. Then, they bumped that up to £10 minimum spend earlier this year, and now they are increasing it to £15 or you will incur a delivery charge, just months later. I don’t think it’s fair.
Yes, their delivery service is great, but I think they are trying to force us to pay for their electric vehicles, as they want to be a ‘sustainable’ business. Should have kept the electric milk carts! Electric cars are not planet friendly. It’s a dirty practice in generating those batteries, but who cares when the media is bombarding us day and night with the fearmongering of ‘climate change’, coupled with all the government policies and surcharges on cars that are petrol or diesel. It’s absolutely criminal.
We spend over £15 weekly at The Modern Milkman, but I see their minimum spend before delivery charges increasing again very soon, and once it tops £20, they will lose me as a customer. I’ll just buy from my local butcher and support them instead. I’m not being forced to spend more than I need to, and I don’t think any customer should either.
So, The Modern Milkman – sort it out. You have your shareholders and you’ve made your money, so don’t charge customers for your vehicle choices. It is customers who create jobs and keep your ‘milkies’ in a role, so don’t bite off the hand that feeds you, because the way you are increasing your minimum spends, it’s putting me off already and I’ve been a returning customer for about six months.
Some of the food items are far too expensive, like the cheese, butter, and salami. Even the eggs that we are pay for are a premium price.
What do you think? Are you a customer of The Modern Milkman and see these minimum price hikes? Are you okay with this, or do you, too, think it’s unfair?
If you want to try them out, check out The Modern Milkman discount codes.

£15 off Modern Milkman
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